Sunday, September 16, 2007

Simple Blessings, Powerful Lives

We had a sort of “getting to know you” potluck lunch today between our Sunday School class and one of our Senior Adult classes. The food was fine, but the real treat for me was to see my friend Bro. N sing and play his guitar.

At 87 years young, he still goes at least 3 times a week to the nursing homes to “Play for those old people.”, and he is a regular at the City Rescue Mission Services. Bro. N has for many years been one of my heroes and unknowing mentors of the faith and ministry. An unassuming, gentle in spirit, humble man of integrity.

Several years ago, we were at the City Rescue Mission together. I was leading the music that night with my guitar; Bro. N was there for special music. While we were warming up and tuning up he said, “Hey, how about you helping me out on my songs tonight.” I was blown away that he would actually ask me to play with him. Long story short, I had the privilege of playing guitar with him, and was absolutely thrilled to do so.

Watching him play today brought back a flood of wonderful memories. I trust and pray that I too will be found guilty of Praising God with the talents He has blessed me with all the days of my life.


Debbie365 said...

I think you will. That's what I hope to do also, but I think I'm letting 'people' get in my way.

Carla said...

I can't imagine you being any other way. You too, D. You guys have been my inspiration more times than you know.