Sunday, September 16, 2007

Simple Blessings, Powerful Lives

We had a sort of “getting to know you” potluck lunch today between our Sunday School class and one of our Senior Adult classes. The food was fine, but the real treat for me was to see my friend Bro. N sing and play his guitar.

At 87 years young, he still goes at least 3 times a week to the nursing homes to “Play for those old people.”, and he is a regular at the City Rescue Mission Services. Bro. N has for many years been one of my heroes and unknowing mentors of the faith and ministry. An unassuming, gentle in spirit, humble man of integrity.

Several years ago, we were at the City Rescue Mission together. I was leading the music that night with my guitar; Bro. N was there for special music. While we were warming up and tuning up he said, “Hey, how about you helping me out on my songs tonight.” I was blown away that he would actually ask me to play with him. Long story short, I had the privilege of playing guitar with him, and was absolutely thrilled to do so.

Watching him play today brought back a flood of wonderful memories. I trust and pray that I too will be found guilty of Praising God with the talents He has blessed me with all the days of my life.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Name Game

I have always believed that you shouldn't give your child a name that you couldn't use in the song, "The Name Game" (Anna, Anna, Bobanna, etc.)
Some time ago at the urging of a friend, I started the odd hobby of collecting interesting names of people I have had personal phone contact with. Over a ten year period, I have added many to my list. Perhaps you have spoken with them also. The following is a small sample from my collection:

Malode Outhouse,Larry King, John Lennon,Edward Murphy, Joseph Kennedy, Grace Kelly,

Robert E Lee, Hercules T Koulis, Helen Keller, Shirley McClain, Marry Barry,

Steve McQueen. Danny Thomas, Iva Hart, Yen Yaing, Cliff Edge, Anna Niemiec,

Hulda Heine, Alice Cooper, Shirley Curley, Warren Beattie, Otis Campbell,

James Chames, William F Cody, Springfield Banks, Thomas Canham,

Constant Joy Centella, Richard Cunningham, Rose Bush, Robin Hood.

Have a Banana Fanana Day :)

Friday, September 7, 2007

Have Some Fun On The Journey

Over the past 28 years we have lived in 15 houses and 4 towns. Big towns, small towns, nice houses, apartments and one really tiny house (around 900 sq ft).

When we moved to Vero Beach, for the very first time the Welcome Wagon people came with a bunch of coupons for local business freebies. I said, “We should drive around and get all this free stuff.” My Bride felt it would be totally tacky for us to go from place to place just for free stuff. To avoid embarrassment, I went by myself.

One of the coupons was for the local funeral home. Since I worked at the church behind said funeral home, I thought I would seize the day and drop in on my lunch break.

It was a slow day for them, so I walked in and was immediately greeted in the foyer. “May I help you sir?” The nice lady asked. “Yes, I’m here for my free embalming.” I replied. “Your, uh, free wha…?” “My free embalming.” “Um, could you wait right here??”

She went to the back and another lady came out. “Can I help you sir?” “Yes, I’m here for my free embalming.” “Uh, what makes you think you’re going to get a free embalming?” I pulled the coupon out of my jacket, “I got this coupon from the Welcome Wagon that said to come here for a free gift. I can’t think of anything else you folks would be giving away, and if we could hurry up a bit, I only have about 45 minutes left on my lunch.” “Oh my, um, well that’s not for a uh..”

At that point I couldn’t help but laugh. I introduced myself as the new Minister at the church behind them. She was greatly relieved. Over the years I was blessed to develop a very good working relationship with them. I did many funerals for families that had no church.