Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Refreshing Christmas Gift

Over the past 10 years I have noticed a directed effort by businesses including the one I work for to avoid the words, “Merry Christmas”.
I’ve heard many, many variations of “Happy Holidays”, and have watched homemade holidays attempt to crowd out the two legitimate celebrations with actual historical significance: Hanukkah, which celebrates the faithfulness of God to His chosen people Israel, and Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus The Messiah, God’s gift of Eternal Salvation to all mankind.

My wife and I went Christmas shopping yesterday, and I was prepared to respond to, “Happy Holidays” with the question, “Which one?” To my pleasant surprise, in nearly every store we shopped someone wished us a Merry Christmas! Even the waitress in the restaurant where we had dinner.

So, I just wanted to say thank you and Merry Christmas to the following:
Winn-Dixie (Groceries)
BJ’s Wholesale Club
Mimi’s Café
Carabba’s Italian Grill

Surprisingly, the Salvation Army bell ringers can only say, “Happy Holiday”. I still have to ask them, “which one?” Go figure.

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Sharon said...

Add Toys R Us to that list :)

Cheri said...

Merry CHRISTmas, Allen!

Thank you for all you do at church. May God continue to bless and enrich your life.

Josiah said...

hey uncle allen !
i got a new post. hope ya enjoy.

Carla said...

Great blog! I've noticed more "Happy Holidays" this year and I just turn around and tell them "Merry Christmas." Maybe I'll try the "Which one?" approach next time.

Chris Jones said...

love the the joke at the end so true!